Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Addiction, A Challenge, and A Somewhat Confident Raise

As I continue to work on the Summer Overhall house make-over marathon (more updates coming soon!), I decided to take a break and catch up on one of my favorite decorating blogs, Young House Love.  This is were I read about The Pinterest Challenge, which seems fitting since I discovered Pinterest (to which I am now seriously addicted!) on YHL this past spring.  The purpose of the challenge is to take all of the neat ideas pinned on Pinterest (read more about "pinning" here) and turn them into a reality. So...

The Challenge: to create one item inspired by something found on Pinterest each season.

Well, I'd like to see that challenge and raise two projects, taking my grand total for the year to SIX new decorating projects inspired by Pinterest.  (Gasp...!) 

I know, I know, bold, isn't it?  But I already have several projects under my belt that were based off of Internet finds (here, here, here and here) and Pinterest just makes it that much easier to locate the neat ideas and inspirations!  Plus, I really want to stay motivated and keep up the new projects once I start back to work (but let's not think about that yet - ugh!!!)

Now for the first idea.  Even though it may sort of be cheating, I want to make another "toilet roll art" piece.  Here is the original inspiration from a while back:
 And here is what I ended up with to hang in the empty space over the television:
I did like the final result, but I've always felt it was not exactly what I wanted for that space.  I'm hoping to use the above piece elsewhere in the house and create a new design for above the television.  Here is the inspiration (via Pinterest) for the new design:

I've been saving up toilet paper rolls and now I just need to grab some glue and some spray paint and I'll be ready to go.  Stay tuned for the result (and project #1 completion!).

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